Here’s where I left off with this desk a few weeks back.
Anytime I’m unsure of how to proceed or I second guess myself, procrastination sets in, and there you have it, an unfinished piece waiting for closure far too long. Taking note of it’s unfinished state when passing by, I get so annoyed with my indecisiveness. Can you relate to this experience?
But the other day, I decided to embrace the uncertainty of it all and take a creative stand and dive in. I stained the molding I added to the drawers. At first, I stained everything in varying shades of brown as you see in the second drawer. However, I liked the mix of the natural and stained wood tones and went with that.
Mistakenly, second guessing my original creative decision, I sanded off the previously painted top and tried a dark painted/stain finish instead. It looked hideous! I didn’t take any pictures, but trust me, it wasn’t pretty. I repainted the top white again, afterward, uttering a huge sigh of relief.
And after all that procrastination and second guessing, here it is:
I used the original hardware.
However, the finish was really bad, so I decided to spray paint them white.
As for the legs, I sanded off the original finish and couldn’t decide, dark or light.
So I left them natural.
All it needs is a couple coats of wax and it will be ready to begin it’s second life.
Not sure of it’s final destination, but it has lots of storage, two drawers on one side and a cubby on the other.
So here’s the before, tired and leaning to one side.
and here’s the after, strong and confident.
All in all, I’m pleased. Mid Century Modern Desk completed. Check. So many more pieces waiting in the wings but I’m making progress and have kicked procrastination to the curb once again. Hands on hips, I almost feel like a creative super hero. Yeah!!!
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Joselyn, Thanks for stopping by today!! I love what you did to the desk! So much better.
Very creative thinking!!!!
Hi Joselyn! I’m just popping over from Between Naps on the Porch to check out your MCM desk. What an awesome transformation! I love MCM furniture, and really love what you’ve done with this piece! Nice to discover your blog, and to meet you! 🙂