This is my attempt to absolve my sons of any future gift giving dilemmas which usually starts with the same question, mom, what do you want for …………..?

Dear Sons,

Never again do you need to ask me what I want for my birthday, Mother’s Day or any holiday for that matter.

Gifts, flowers, dinner out , while nice, I’m sure you know by now a homemade treat, handwritten note, or handcrafted item brings me the greatest joy.

You can gift me impromptu real conversation, in person, over the phone with texts in between, revisiting our memories together that automatically make us smile, laugh or shake our heads.



Gift me  your reflections of the great and not so great moments in your life that have shaped you into the person you are today. I am just as interested in your woes, your angst and the everyday annoyances that get under your skin.



And when you go on to have a family of your own, I want you to gift me with visits, not out of obligation but out of a desire to be in my company.

You  see the gift I truly desire can’t be bought, forced or scheduled; it is simply your presence, whether it be for seconds, hours or somewhere in between – authentically, lovingly and wholeheartedly –  one present moment at a time.

Never again do you need to ask me what I want for my birthday, Mother’s Day or any holiday, I just want you.

Love you,


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